Blood & Other Body Fluids

Common casework enquiries include:
- Examination or re-examination of scenes and providing an interpretation of results from the Crown or new information
- Examination of items previously not examined and interpretation of the findings
- Re-examination of items previously examined by the Crown and comment on the findings of the Crown’s expert
- Consideration of scientific findings in light of an individual’s account of event
Expert Blood & Other Body Fluids Services Include:
- Report upon bloodstaining
- Interpretation of all body fluid evidence including saliva, seminal fluid or ‘touch’ DNA
- Examination of the patterns and shapes of bloodstains can allow an expert to provide an opinion regarding how the bloodstains were deposited on a surface, e.g. through spray, a forceful blow or direct contact, smearing, etc.
Blood & Other Body Fluids services with Emmerson Associaties
Combining DNA analysis (profiling) and the results of blood pattern analysis can be a powerful tool in determining events and individuals involved in a given incident, thus potentially providing a reconstruction.
Body Fluids
Our experts can review physical evidence and the subsequent interpretation of all body fluid evidence, including saliva, seminal fluid or ‘touch’ DNA. We often undertake additional examinations and consider the entire procedure undertaken to-date. Where appropriate, we make recommendations for further work.