Photographs & Video

Expert Photographs & Video Services Include:
- Photography of criminal injuries
- Close up photography
- Video enhancement
- Data recovery
- Surveillance Service
Photographs & Video services with Emmerson Associaties
We can take a video and slow it down, zoom into a scene, follow the action, highlight a scene, add captions and take off images. This often leads to the identification of a person, the number plate of a car or, because of the enhancement, the correct interpretation of what is going on in the film.
We have state-of-the-art, high-end editing facilities that are able to edit at 50 fields per second. This means that we are able to capture every single frame that has been recorded. Our editing facilities can produce compilation videos, output to DVD for your convenience for easy viewing. DVDs can be produced with a scene-by-scene menu system; this can save a lot of time in Court negating the need to searching through VHS tapes.
Photographic images can be converted to a digital format and enhanced using a number of techniques.
Surveillance services include private and corporate enquiries. Installation of covert/overt camera systems and commercial theft enquiries. Benefit/fraud, injury/fraud investigations, harassment issues, marital differences and residential disputes to name a few.