Vehicle Accidents & Examinations

Expet Vehicle Accidents/Examinations Services Include:
- Road Accident Investigation & Reconstruction
- Vehicle, Light Bulb, Tyre & Component Examinations
- Tachograph Analysis, Route Tracing, Hours & Regulations
- Death by Dangerous, Dangerous, Careless Driving
- Speed Detection Devices
- Fraudulent Insurance Claims, Staged Collisions
- Stolen Vehicle Examinations
- Personal Injury Claims, Whiplash Collisions
- Scale Plans & Locus Reports
- Surveillance Services, Vehicle Tracking
- IDR, Incident Data Recorder Analysis
Vehicle Accidents & Examinations services with Emmerson Associaties
Collision analysis & investigations: Physical evidence, witness evidence, vehicles involved, road topography, weather conditions, vehicle dynamics, driver reaction times and driver behaviour.
Collision reconstruction: Tyre, grind & slide marks, pedestrian throw distance, speed and movement of pedestrians, coefficient of friction, driver reaction times, mass of vehicles, vehicle performance, vehicle test data and position of vehicles at impact can all be modelled mathematically in combination with the laws of motion in order to determine vehicle speeds and a reconstruction of events.
Vehicle examination: The accident vehicles and their component parts can be examined for any defects or failures. This can assist in discovering why a particular accident occurred. Any type and size of vehicle can be examined including LGV’s, cars, motorcycles, heavy plant machinery and pedal cycles.
Forensic tyre examinations: Our experts are trained to an advanced level in all aspects concerning the construction of tyres & the analysis of tyre failures and tyre / wheel damage.
Surveying & scale plans: We can utilise the latest electronic total station surveying equipment producing professional computer generated scale plans of accident scenes and crime scenes. Scale representations of vehicles can be shown in relation to physical and witness evidence in order to show the position of vehicles at impact and ultimately a visual reconstruction of the accident.
Photographs & video: Standard and digital technology is utilised to illustrate road markings, geometry, topography, signing, lines of sight, limits of visibility, positions of witnesses, pre & post impact movement of vehicles / pedestrians, vehicle damage & defects.
Forensic tachograph analysis: Microscopic analysis, route traces, driver’s hours & regulations.
Forensic stolen vehicle examinations: Testing by examination of the prosecution evidence. Deleting / retrieving VIN and engine numbers. Dating of components, dating of vehicle glass, consideration of evidence. In cases alleging vehicle ringing and handling (including conspiracy), the prosecution evidence normally centres on the examination and conclusions drawn by the Police vehicle examiner or Stolen Vehicle Squad Officer. We are able to fully test those findings and conclusions, offering where possible alternative explanations. All examinations are undertaken by a Forensic stolen vehicle examiner with 20 years experience in this specialist field.
Speed detection devices: Trained in all aspects concerning Police speed detection devices including Vascar, Muniquip radar, Police Pilot & Laser LTI 20-20. Our experts can test the accuracy of the speed checks, procedures and circumstances under which they were conducted.
Fraudulent insurance claims & investigations: Vehicle damage, repair assessments & fraudulent claims
Common enquiries include:
- Consideration of the results reported by the Crown and whether their interpretation is correct
- Whether any other drugs could have produced the same analytical results
- Whether a defendant’s history of drug/alcohol abuse could have an effect
- In relation to drug drive cases, we provide comment on:
– Results of blood/urine analyses
– Preliminary impairment tests
– Results reported by the medical examiner
– Defendant’s indicated pattern of drug use in the previous 24 hours
Many cases include Customs & Excise seizures as well as seizures under the Proceeds of Crime Act.